Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Rules of the Association


1a. TITLE   This Divisional FA is one of six divisions allowed under Hampshire FA Membership Rule 3 and shall be called the Aldershot Divisional Football Association (DFA) and shall be affiliated to the Hampshire FA. This DFA shall observe the Rules and Regulations of The Football Association and those of the Hampshire FA, which shall be deemed as part of these Rules. All matches, within this Divisional Football Association’s defined area, shall be played in accordance with the Laws of the Game as settled by the International Football Association Board (IFAB).

1b. OBJECTS   The objectives of this DFA shall be:   To provide a link between local organisations, members of this DFA, and Hampshire FA;   To provide support and advice where necessary for members of the DFA;   To act as the “eyes and ears” for Hampshire FA within the DFA;   To provide and organise DFA challenge cup competitions.  

2. AREA   The area of this DFA shall be within that portion of Hampshire as bounded by a line from the West Sussex border at Hill Brow <Grid Ref: SU788263>, (south-east of Liss) to, but not including, Old/New Alresford <SU600345>, thence to east of Hook <SU741542> and northwards along the River Whitewater to just east of Riseley on the Berkshire border <SU741634> in accordance with Hampshire FA Membership Rule 3.  

a. (i) All elected members to the DFA council as laid out in these rules.

(ii) All Clubs affiliated to the Hampshire FA, who have grounds or recognised Headquarters, within the area defined in Rule 2 shall be members of this DFA subject to the approval of the DFA Council. In addition, all Clubs affiliated to any other County Association, but competing in a Sanctioned Competition under the jurisdiction of this DFA shall, subject to the approval of the DFA Council, be members. All such Clubs shall pay a membership fee as laid down in Rule 10. A maximum club membership fee will be applied if the DFA is not providing a competition for a member club/team.
In addition all Leagues sanctioned by Hampshire FA who operate within the area defined in Rule 2 shall be members of this DFA.

(iii) Clubs, Leagues and elected DFA Council Members may only be members of one Hampshire FA Divisional Football Association.  In the event that a League has clubs from more than one Divisional Football Association, the League shall be a member of the Divisional Football Association that has the majority of its member clubs.  

(iv) For the avoidance of any doubt a Member Club’s Headquarters shall be the ground on which they play their home matches unless they have an official HQ i.e. Registered Club House.  

b. The DFA shall keep a register of all Clubs entitled to be members within its defined area.  

c. Development competitions are the only exemptions to Rule 3(a)(ii) above.  For the avoidance of doubt development competitions are considered to be faith based competitions, a new competition that has not been in membership with a County FA or a competition where the majority of players do not play affiliated football elsewhere.   Development competitions are exempt from Divisional FA membership for a term of between one and three seasons to be considered by the Hampshire FA Football Regulation Committee.  When the development competition is established, membership of the Divisional FA will apply in accordance with Rule 3(a)(ii) with the agreement of the Hampshire FA Football Regulation Committee.  

d. Each Sanctioned Competition within the DFA’s area shall supply the Secretary with 5 copies of their handbook within 7 days of it being issued to Member Clubs.  

4. OFFICERS   The Officers of this DFA shall be the President, the Chair, the Deputy Chair, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Minutes Secretary and the Competitions Secretary(ies).  

a. This DFA shall be governed and its affairs managed by a Council consisting of:  
(i) The Officers;  
(ii) Life Vice Presidents;  
(iii) Benevolent Officer (subject to HFA Board approval);  
(iv) Deputy Benevolent Officer (subject to HFA Board approval);
(v) All members of the Hampshire FA Board and Football Management Board and any Hampshire FA Life Vice Presidents or Honorary Life Members who reside in the Division;  
(vi) Up to two representatives from each sanctioned 11-a-side and Mini-Soccer Competition within the area who must be a member of that Competition;  
(vii) 1 representative from each Referees’ Society within the area;  
(viii) 1 representative from Member Clubs competing in Competitions outside the area;  
(ix) 1 representative from Senior Clubs (step 6 and above) within the area;  
(x) 1 representative from Regional Feeder League within the area (Hampshire Premier FL – Premier Division);  
(xi) 1 representative from Women’s Clubs within the area;  
(xii) 1 representative from Disability Clubs within the area;  
(xiii) 1 representative from Walking Football Clubs within the area;  
(xiv) 1 representative from appropriate Schools FA;  
(xv) 1 representative for each Small Sided Competition;  
(xvi) 1 Referees’ Appointment Secretary for each Sanctioned Competition within the area;  
(xvii) 1 representative from the Army FA.  

Such persons, if approved by the DFA Council, shall serve for a one-year term from the end of the Annual General Meeting in each year and shall be eligible for re-appointment. In addition, the DFA Council shall have the power to co-opt on a yearly basis and any co-opted member shall have full powers of membership. Elected representatives shall not be members of any other Hampshire FA Division.

b. In addition to the above, the Council shall have the power to co-opt up to 5 other members, who may have specialist knowledge, to assist the Council. All such co-opted members credentials shall be vetted by the full DFA Council and shall be subject to re-appointment annually.  

c. Any elected or nominated member of Council absenting themselves from 3 successive meetings and failing a satisfactory explanation in writing shall be considered to have resigned and the DFA Council shall have the power to fill any such vacancy that may occur during the year.  

d. The DFA Council shall have the power at their discretion to fill any office in this DFA that may become vacant and also any vacancy that may occur on a Committee during the year and appoint Sub-Committees as it sees fit.  

e. 7 members of the DFA Council will form a quorum for the transaction of business for this DFA and 3 members will form the quorum for the transaction of any business delegated to a Committee and/or Sub-Committee of this DFA.  

f. All correspondence shall be addressed to the Secretary of this DFA and not to any other individual unless so directed.  

a. The following will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting:   The President; the Chair; the Deputy Chair; the Secretary; the Treasurer; the Minutes Secretary and Competition Secretary(ies).  

b. Retiring Officers shall be eligible to become candidates for re-election without nomination. All other candidates for election as Officers shall be nominated in writing by 2 members of this DFA to the Secretary not later than the March Council meeting in each year. Names of those nominated and their Nominees shall be circulated with the notice of the Annual General Meeting. In the event of there being no nomination in accordance with the foregoing for any office, nominations may be received at the Annual General Meeting.  

c. The following will be elected annually by the DFA Council as per Hampshire FA Membership Rule 3:  
(i) Area Benevolent Officer and a deputy (to be approved by the Hampshire FA Board of Directors);  

d. Life Vice Presidents and Honorary Life Members who were appointed by the Divisional FA prior to season 2021/22.
Life Vice-Presidents shall be entitled to receive notice of, attend and vote at all DFA Council and general meetings.  Life Vice-Presidents shall have such rights and privileges as the DFA Council shall from time to time prescribe.   Life Vice-Presidents are eligible to be elected as Honorary Life Members at any time and may make application to the DFA Secretary in writing.  Honorary Life Members would receive invites to all general meetings but would not receive invitations to DFA Council Meetings or hold voting rights at DFA Council Meetings.   Any Life Vice-President who has been elected an Honorary Life Member may revert to the position at any time by advising the DFA Secretary in writing.  
Any person who has served in the position of President, Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary or Treasurer, on retirement from this post, at the discretion of the DFA, may be elected to the position of Honorary Life Member unless the same person is elected to another post within the DFA.

e. The DFA Secretary shall send to the Member Clubs competing in Competitions outside of the area and to Senior, Intermediate, Disability, Walking Football and Women’s Clubs within the area a nomination form for the election of the Council representatives. Such nomination forms shall be submitted to the DFA Secretary by such date as the Officers shall prescribe each year and must be signed by the Chair and Secretary of the Club nominating them. Any person nominated must be a member of the Club nominating them.  

f. If there is more than 1 candidate nominated for either of the categories, the DFA Secretary shall forthwith, after the time fixed for the close of nominations, send a voting paper containing the names of all those nominated in that category to each of the Clubs within that category. Completed voting papers must be returned to the DFA Secretary by such time as the Officers shall decide and shall be opened by such person or persons as the Officers shall decide. The prescribed number of candidates receiving the largest number of votes in each category shall be declared elected at the next Annual General Meeting.  

g. The Secretary shall send, at least 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, a nomination form to each body within the area entitled to have representative(s) on the DFA Council with a notice that the body desiring to nominate a candidate or candidates, for a position on the DFA Council must return the nomination form signed by the Chair and Secretary within 7 days.  

h. The Secretary shall ensure that notice of and minutes of all meetings are forwarded to the Chief Executive of the Hampshire FA in accordance with usual circulation timescales.  

a. The DFA Council shall manage the affairs of the DFA and its decisions shall be final subject to the right of appeal to the Hampshire FA (see Rule 11).  

b. The DFA Council shall meet on a minimum of three dates fixed by them at their first meeting following the Annual General Meeting. The Officers shall have the power to call Special General Meetings as may be deemed necessary.  

c. The discussions, statements of members, evidence of witnesses and other matters brought before the DFA Council and Committees are deemed privileged and the DFA Council shall have the power to censure or suspend from the DFA Council any member proved to be guilty of a breach of this Rule.  

d. Each member of the DFA Council shall be entitled to attend all DFA Council meetings and have 1 vote thereat but no member shall be allowed to vote on any matter directly appertaining to himself or herself or the Club or the Organisation he/she represents or where there may be a conflict of interest (this principle shall apply to the procedure of any Committee). In the event of the voting being equal on any matter, the Chair shall have a second or casting vote.  

e. The Officers of this DFA shall have the power to cancel any meeting if they consider the business for such meeting to be insufficient, or for any other adequate reason.  

f. The DFA Council shall have the powers to apply, act upon and enforce the Rules of this DFA, including any matter not provided for by these Rules and in such events be guided in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of The Football Association and Hampshire FA.  

g. At the meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting, the DFA Council shall make their nominations to fill the Offices of President, Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Minutes Secretary to be put forward to the Annual General Meeting together with any other nominations received.  

h. The DFA Council shall have the power to appoint Committees or Commissions as may be deemed necessary and may delegate all or any of its powers to such Committees or Commissions of the DFA Council and to deal with breaches of Football Regulations referred to them by the Hampshire FA and with all breaches of the Rules of this DFA.  

i. At the first meeting following the Annual General Meeting, the DFA Council shall:
Complete the election of Officers and DFA Council Members in accordance with Rule 6
Appoint Committees in accordance with Rule 8 Appoint for each Sanctioned Competition within the area, a DFA Council Member (who shall not be an existing Officer/member of the league) to attend its Management Committee Meetings for the purpose of giving guidance and instruction
Appoint an Area Benevolent Officer (to be approved by Hampshire FA Board of Directors).

j. This DFA shall be responsible to the Hampshire FA for the adherence to the following:  
i) This DFA shall use its powers to control and conduct its own approved Cup Competitions and be responsible for ensuring that all Sanctioned Competitions and affiliated Clubs within its area conform to the Rules and Regulations of The Football Association and Hampshire FA.  
ii) This DFA shall act in partnership with and actively assist the Hampshire FA in its efforts to achieve the principal objectives and other aims set out in the current version of their County Plan.  

k. The DFA shall have the powers to apply, act upon and enforce these Rules and shall also have jurisdiction over all matters affecting the Competition.  Any action by the Competition must be taken within 28 days of the Competition being notified.   For all alleged breaches of a DFA Rule the DFA shall issue a formal written charge to the individual or organisation/body concerned. The individual or organisation/body charged shall be given 7 days from the notification of the charge to reply. In such reply an individual or organisation/body may:-
(i) Accept the charge and submit in writing a case of mitigation for consideration by the DFA on the  papers; or
(ii) Accept the charge and notify that it wishes to put its case of mitigation at a hearing before the DFA; or
(iii) Deny the charge and submit in writing supporting evidence for consideration by the DFA on the papers; or
(iv) Deny the charge and notify that it wishes to put its case at a hearing before the DFA.  

Where the individual or organisation/body charge fails to respond within 7 days, the DFA shall determine the charge in such manner and upon such evidence as it considers appropriate.  
Where required, hearings shall take place as soon as reasonably practical following receipt of the reply of the individual or organisation/body as more fully set out above.  
Having considered the reply of the individual or organisation/body (whether in writing or at a hearing), the DFA shall make its decision and. in the event that the charge is accepted or proven, decide on the appropriate penalty.  
With the exception of Clubs playing at Regional Feeder League or the FA Women’s Super League and FA Women’s Championship, the maximum fine permitted for any breach of a Rule is £250 and, when setting any fine, the DFA must ensure that the penalty is proportional to the offence, taking into account any mitigating circumstances.  
No participant under the age of 18 can be fined.  
All breaches of the Laws of the Game, or the Rules and Regulations of The FA shall be dealt with in accordance with FA Rules by the appropriate Association.    

l. No League/Association/Club or other body affiliated to this DFA shall hold meetings / AGM/ SGM on the same date as any scheduled meeting of this DFA (Council meeting, AGM or SGM) without the consent of the DFA Chair or his deputy.

The following shall be Standing Committees of this DFA and elected annually (upon recommendation of the DFA Succession Planning Committee) by the DFA Council, excepting the Succession Planning Committee, whose 4 additional members of the DFA Council shall be appointed by the Divisional Football Association Officers and the divisional representative to the Hampshire FA Selection Panel:  

a. Cup Competitions Committee, consisting of the DFA Officers, Cup Competitions Secretary (if not an Officer) and 2 members of the DFA Council (1 of whom shall be a representative of a Youth League – not applicable if the DFA does not run youth competitions).  

b. Finance Committee, consisting of the DFA Officers and 2 members of DFA Council (1 of whom shall be a representative of a Youth League).  

c. Rules Revision Committee, consisting of the DFA Officers and 2 members of DFA Council (1 of whom shall be representatives of Youth Leagues).  

d. Succession Planning Committee consisting of the DFA Chair, the DFA member appointed by the Hampshire FA Board of Directors to the County FA Selection Panel whom shall chair this committee and 4 members of DFA Council one of which will act as secretary for the committee (1 of whom shall be a representative of Youth Leagues).  

e. Emergency Committee consisting of the DFA Officers, Competitions Secretary and 2 members of the DFA Council (1 of whom shall be a representative of a Youth League) with the power to deal with any matter which the Secretary may deem urgent or which may be referred to them by the DFA Council.  

f. The Divisional FA may nominate a representative to their Local Area Referees Committee on an annual basis in accordance with Hampshire FA Membership Rule 5 B2(a)(viii).  

g. If the DFA so decides subgroups can be formed, if it is agreed that they will fulfil a requirement of the DFA.

a. No Club shall be accepted into membership until they have paid their affiliation fee to the County Football Association and to obtain membership they must quote the number and date of the official receipt issued by the Secretary/Chief Executive of that County Association. Each Club shall keep a Members’ Register, Cash Book, Minute Book and Players’ Appearance Record, all may be held electronically if considered appropriate.

b. Clubs shall not allow matches to be played on their grounds in which the Clubs engaged are not in membership with a County Association, unless previous consent of the Hampshire FA has been obtained. Clubs whose grounds are used by other Clubs for matches of any kind shall notify the DFA Secretary of such arrangements when made or at least 7 days before the date of the match (that affects a DFA Cup Competition) whenever possible. Affiliated Clubs, Officials, Players and Registered Referees shall not take part in any match in which an unaffiliated Club is playing or which has not been sanctioned by this DFA (for a DFA Cup Competition) and/or the Hampshire FA.  
c. The Registered Secretary (or in his/her absence any other nominated Officer) of a Club is the only Official recognised by this DFA for the purpose of correspondence, which must be in their name. The Secretary of this DFA shall not be required to communicate with any other Official on Club matters. Official correspondence from this DFA requiring a reply must be acknowledged within 14 days of receipt (unless otherwise specified) and failure to do so will result in the Club being fined £10 and/or other such penalty as the Council may decide.  

d. All Member Clubs must, if required to do so, place their ground and facilities at the disposal of the DFA Council at least once per season.  

e. If the conduct of any Member or member Club in membership with this DFA is considered to be objectionable under its jurisdiction or in connection therewith, the DFA Council will have the full power to fine, suspend or expel such member Club or member from the DFA or deal with the matter as they may decide.  

f. The DFA, through the DFA Council, if and when required, shall be empowered to require the Member Clubs (who paid a membership fee to this Association at the start of the current season) to contribute by subscription or otherwise, such sums of money to the funds of the DFA in order to defray any losses incurred in the running of the DFA affairs.  

g. All fines and charges shall be paid within 14 days of the date of posting of the written notification.   Any Club failing to do so will be fined a maximum of £50.  Further delay to pay the fine including the additional sum within 14 days will result in their membership of the DFA being withdrawn and may result in an application of the Football Debt Recovery being applied through the Hampshire FA until such time as the outstanding payments are settled.  

h. The business of the Divisional Football Association as determined by the DFA Council may be transacted by electronic mail or facsimile.  

i. All Member Clubs and Service Clubs competing in Competitions under the jurisdictions of this DFA shall place their players at the disposal of the DFA Council for all representative matches. A player selected to play for the DFA shall not play for his Club on the date of the match for which he/she was selected without prior permission of the DFA Council. Any player failing to comply with this Rule will be adjudged by the DFA and charged in accordance with Rule 7, and any Club or Official who may be deemed to have encouraged or instigated such a player to commit a breach of instruction or Rule shall be deemed of a similar breach.  

j. This DFA shall have the powers to select and use on any dates, the grounds of its Member Clubs that it deems fit for the playing of Representative Matches and the Semi-final and Final ties of its Cup Competitions and those of its Sanctioned Competitions.  

a. On or before the 1st September in each year, each Club, through its Sanctioned Competition shall pay a membership fee to this DFA as per the following schedule of fees (These fees only apply if a Competition is being run by this DFA, as per Rule 3a(ii)):
i) Clubs of Intermediate Status or above £25
ii) Clubs of Junior Status £20
iii) Clubs of Youth Status £2
iv) Additional teams of Intermediate Status and above – Not Applicable
v) Additional teams of Junior Status – Not Applicable
vi) Additional teams of Youth Status – Not Applicable
vii) Faith, Walking Football and Disability Teams up to a maximum of £5 (per team)

A maximum Club membership fee of £1.00 will be applied, if the DFA is not providing a competition for a member club. No additional team fee can be applied if the DFA is not providing a competition for a team.

For the avoidance of doubt, Veteran’s and Women’s teams shall count as Junior Status.  

Each club affiliated to Hampshire FA but playing in a Sanctioned Competition outside this Dicision shall pay a membership fee to the DFA as per the schedule of fees in this Rule (10A).  

b. Adult Clubs playing Sanctioned Small Sided Competitions shall pay a membership fee of £1.  Youth teams playing in Sanctioned Small Sided Competitions shall pay a membership fee of £1 (These fees only apply if a Competition is being provided by this DFA, as per Rule 3a(ii)) .  
A maximum Club membership fee of £1.00 will be applied if the DFA is not providing a competition for member clubs.

c. All Clubs affiliated to other County Football Associations, who are playing in a Sanctioned Competition with this Division, shall pay a membership fee to this DFA as per the following schedule of fees (These fees only apply if a Competition is being provided by this DFA, as per Rule 3a(ii)):
i) Clubs of Intermediate Status or above £25
ii) Clubs of Junior Status £20
iii) Clubs of Youth Status £2
iv) Additional teams of Intermediate Status and above – Not Applicable
v) Additional teams of Junior Status – Not Applicable
vi) Additional teams of Youth Status – Not Applicable
vii) Faith, Walking Football and Disability Teams up to a maximum of £5 (per team)

A maximum Club membership fee of £1.00 will be applied, if the DFA is not providing a competition for a member club. No additional team fee can be applied if the DFA is not providing a competition for a team.

For the avoidance of doubt, Veteran’s and Women’s teams shall count as Junior Status.  

d. Any Club which registers after the 1st September shall be fined £15.  

e. Member Clubs shall not be allowed to take part in any Sanctioned Competition until their membership fee has been paid. Sanctioned Competitions shall satisfy themselves that their Clubs are properly affiliated to the appropriate County Football Association.  

f. Hampshire FA affiliated Clubs playing in Sanctioned Competitions outside of this Division shall pay, within 14 days of notification, the following membership fee: Senior Clubs (i.e. those playing in the Wessex League, its equivalent or higher) £20;
All other Adult Clubs £15 and Youth Clubs £2.
A maximum Club membership fee of £1.00 will be applied, if the DFA is not providing a competition for a member club. No additional team fee can be applied if the DFA is not providing a competition for a team.

A Member Club, within 14 days from the date of written notification sent of any decision of the Council may appeal against such decision by lodging particulars, in duplicate, accompanied by a fee determined from time to time by the Hampshire FA, such appeal being addressed to the Secretary of the Hampshire FA for the adjudication of the Board of Appeal, whose decision shall be final and binding on all concerned. No appeal can be lodged against a decision taken at an Annual or Special General Meeting unless it is on the grounds of unconstitutional conduct. In the event of the appeal being unsuccessful, the fee shall be forfeited or returned to the Club in whole or in part at the discretion of the Board of Appeal, who shall also decide by whom the costs of the appeal shall be borne.   A copy of the appeal must be sent to the Secretary of this DFA and the operation of the decision made by DFA Council shall not be suspended pending the result of the appeal unless the Board of Appeal of the Hampshire FA, through its Officers, orders such suspension.  

a. The Officers of this DFA shall be Trustees of all monies and property of this DFA.  Association Cups or Trophies shall be competed for annually and shall not become the property of any Club. If a Competition is discontinued for any cause, the Cup or Trophy shall be returned to the Donor if the conditions attached to it so provide, or otherwise dealt with as the DFA may decide. At the close of each Competition awards shall be made to the winners and runners-up if the funds of this DFA permit.   The following agreement shall be signed on behalf of the winners of the Cup or Trophy:  

“We A……………………and B……………………………, the Chair and Secretary of …………………………FC, members of and representing the Club, having been declared winners of the ………………………………………. Cup or Trophy, and it having been delivered to us by this DFA, do hereby on behalf of the Club jointly and severally agree to return the Cup or Trophy to this DFA’s Secretary on or before 28th February. If the Cup or Trophy is lost or damaged whilst under our care we agree to refund this DFA the amount of its current value or the cost of its thorough repair.”  

b. If the Cup or Trophy is returned, and in the opinion of this DFA is not in the same condition as it was presented, the Club shall be notified immediately and the Club shall be fined and be charged for its refurbishment and/or repair in total. A Club failing to return a Cup or Trophy on or before 28th February shall be fined the sum of £25 plus £1 per day after that date until returned to the DFA Secretary.  

a. The Annual General Meeting of this DFA shall be held no later than 15 June in any year. At this meeting, the following business shall be transacted:   i) To receive and confirm the Minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting  
ii) To consider any business arising there from  
iii) Adoption of Standing Orders  
iv) To received and adopt the Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts  
v) Election of Officers (Recommendations made by the Succession Planning Committee)
vi) Appointment of Auditors/Accounts Verifiers  
vii) Alteration of Rules, if any (of which due notice has been given)  
viii) Roll Call  

b. A copy of the Agenda, verified Balance Sheet and Proposed Alterations to Rules shall be forwarded to each Member Club and DFA Council Member at least 14 days prior to the meeting.  

c. A signed copy of the verified Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts shall be sent to the Hampshire FA within 14 days of its adoption by the Annual General Meeting.  

d. Each Member Club shall be empowered to send two delegates to an Annual General Meeting. Each Club shall be entitled to 1 vote only. Not less than 14 days notice shall be given of any meeting.  

e. Clubs who have withdrawn their membership of this DFA during the season being concluded or who are not continuing membership shall be entitled to attend, but shall vote only on matters relating to the season being concluded.  

f. All voting shall be conducted by a show of hands or voting cards unless a paper ballot is demanded by at least 50% of the delegates qualified to vote or the Chair decides.  

g. No individual shall be entitled to cast more than 1 vote for each ballot.  

h. DFA Officers and Council Members shall be entitled to attend and vote at an Annual General Meeting.  

i. Any continuing Member Club failing to be represented at the Annual General Meeting without satisfactory reason being given in writing may be fined up to a maximum of £20.   This Rule will only apply to clubs that are competing in a Divisional Football Association Competition.

a. Upon written application of 5 members of the DFA Council or 12 Member Clubs, stating reasons for same, the DFA Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting. At least seven days notice shall be given of any meeting under this Rule, together with an agenda of the business to be transacted at such meeting.

b. Each Member Club shall be empowered to send two delegates to all Special General Meetings. Each Member Club shall be empowered to send two delegates to all Special General Meetings.  Each Club shall be entitled to one vote only.   DFA Officers and Management Committee members shall be entitled to attend and vote at all Special General Meeings.  

c. All voting shall be conducted by a show of hands or voting cards unless a ballot be demanded by at least 50% of the delegates qualified to vote or the Chair so decides.

d. No individual shall entitled to vote on behalf of more than one member.

e. DFA Officers and Council members shall be entitled to attend and vote at a Special General Meeting.

f. Proposed Alterations to the Rules to be considered at a Special General Meeting shall be circulated with the notice of the meeting and proposed amendments may be made and voted on at the meeting.  

g. With the exception of any change to Players’ Qualifications, which will not take effect until the commencement of the following season, any alterations or additions decided upon shall become operative once the approval of the Hampshire FA has been given or after the Hampshire FA Annual General Meeting, whichever is sooner.  

h. Any continuing Member Club failing to be represented at the Special General Meeting without satisfactory reason being given in writing may be fines up to a maximum of £20.     This Rule will only apply to clubs that are competing in a Divisional Football Association Competition.

a. Alterations in the Rules of The Football Association and the Hampshire FA, so far as they affect this DFA shall be deemed to be incorporated in, and form part of, this DFA’s Rules as and when they are approved at a meeting of such Football Association.  

b. Except as provided in clause (a) of this Rule, no alterations shall be made in the Rules of this DFA except at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting called for the purpose.  

c. Notice of Proposed Alterations to Rules must reach the Secretary by the 1st January in each year. The proposals, together with any proposals by the DFA Council, shall be circulated to the DFA Council Members and Member Clubs and any amendments thereto must reach the Secretary by the 1st March in each year. A copy of the Proposed Alterations to the Rules shall be submitted to the Hampshire FA by 31st March for their approval before being presented to members of this DFA for their approval at the Annual General Meeting.  

d. No alterations shall be made to any Rule unless the majority of members present, and for the time being entitled to vote that are present in person vote in favour.  

e. Hampshire FA will consider any necessary changes to the Divisional FA Standard Code of Rules at its meeting of the Football Regulation Committee held in April in each year and any changes will be communicated to the DFA Secretary by the Chief Executive or his appointed deputy by 1st May in any year.  

f. Rule changes, once approved at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting and sanctioned by the Hampshire FA, will become effective from the first Council meeting held after the Annual General Meeting.  

Travel and any other reasonable out of pocket expenditure incurred by DFA Council Members whilst engaged in the business of and/or representing this DFA may be reimbursed by this DFA. Claims shall be forwarded to the Treasurer for consideration.  

Annually, subject to the availability of funds, this DFA may make awards to persons who have given at least 20 years service to local football. Nominations, together with full details, shall be forwarded via Member Organisations (Local Leagues) to this DFA’s Secretary on or before 1st February each year. The DFA Officers or Sub-Committee will consider each recommendation and the awards will be made at the Annual General Meeting or other appropriate function.  

Each Member Club shall be deemed to have given its assent to the foregoing Rules and agrees to abide by the decisions of the DFA Council subject to Rule 11. All Member Clubs must abide by any issued by The Football Association Code of Conduct.   All DFA Officers/Council members shall ensure that they sign the designated Respect Code of Conduct each season in accordance with Hampshire FA Membership Rule 7(d).  

The Standing Orders of this DFA will be based upon those adopted by the Hampshire FA, amended as necessary to meet the specific requirements of this DFA.  

a. The DFA Council shall determine with which bank or other financial institution the funds of this DFA will be lodged.  

b. All expenditure in excess of £1,000 shall be approved by the DFA Council. All Cheques shall be signed by at least 2 DFA Officers nominated by the DFA Council.  

c. The financial year of this DFA will end on 31st March.  

d. The books of account or a certified balance sheet of this DFA shall be prepared and shall be audited/verified by some suitable person(s) who shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.  

The DFA shall hold Public Liability Insurance and Officers Indemnity Insurance in its own right.  

Any matter not provided for in these Rules shall be dealt with in accordance with the Rules of The Football Association or Hampshire Football Association.  

No Divisional Football Association Council meeting/AGM/SGM shall take place on the same day as any meeting of Hampshire Board of Directors, Football Management Board or standing committee without the consent of the Hampshire FA Chief Executive of their nominated deputy.

a. A resolution to dissolve the DFA shall only be proposed at a General Meeting with prior approval of Hampshire FA and shall be carried by the majority of at least three-quarters of the members present.  

b. The dissolution shall take place effect from the date of the resolution and the Officers of the DFA shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of the DFA.   c. Any surplus assets remaining after the discharge of the debts and liabilities of the DFA shall be transferred to the Hampshire FA who shall determine how the assets shall be utilised for the benefit of the game.